Every time I go to make birdie bread, I can’t seem to find the recipe. I feel like this is a good place to keep it. If you have a little feathered friend, give it a try.
Every time I go to make birdie bread, I can’t seem to find the recipe. I feel like this is a good place to keep it. If you have a little feathered friend, give it a try.
Ollie went to the vet again today. He was bleeding again. The vet found 3 broken blood feathers that needed to be pulled, and a couple of new ones coming in right next to them.
Here you can see the three holes from the pulled feathers, and the new ones right above it. It looks like it hurt, but they said he took it like a champ.
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Oliver found his way to the vet today. He managed to break one of his blood feathers and was bleeding like a crazy man. Thankfully we got that taken care of….
This bird decided to go into my shirt today
Ollie standing on Taylor’s head while she is hiding under a blanket.
Oliver is living up to his name.
Ollie got a bath today. He throws a fit at first, then decides he likes it.